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Individual & group sessions

Each session is unique, and the experience can vary depending on each person.


In our modern daily lives, we no longer take the time to breathe. 

During Breathwork sessions you will learn how to breathe more efficiently and easily. 
Due to blocked and restricted breathing patterns, most people breathe below their true capacity*.

The aim of this deep connected diaphragmatic breathing is to use the entire respiratory system, maximize  breathing capacity and oxygen intake and increase our energy and vitality.


* They only use between 25 and 30% of their breathing capacity.


1:1 sessions

During a Breathwork session, accompanied by tribal music, I guide you through a three-beat, one-beat diaphragmatic breath through the mouth. I apply acupressure to certain muscular areas of the body, following a body map based on the meridians of Chinese medicine.
The aim is to release tension so that air can circulate freely in the body and to gradually increase breathing amplitude.
At certain times, you may need to make powerful and prolonged sounds, or even sound and movement at the same time, when certain emotions seem to be blocked or your breathing lacks energy. The ultimate aim is to allow the body to express itself fully and free itself from emotional blockages

The different stages of an individual session, which lasts an average of 2 hours: 

•    Welcome interview
•    Analysis and interpretation of your breathing patterns 
•    Activation of energies
•    Acupressure, positive affirmations, sound and movement 
•    Time for integration and body awareness 
•    Feedback, questions and answers


Prices : 
The rate for a 120-minute individual Breathwork session is 130 euros. 
To find out about the rates for sessions for children, students, couples or parent-child sessions, please contact me by e-mail at the following address: 

Breathwork sessions can be provided in Luxembourgish, French, English, Turkish or German.

Workshop for adults

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Would you like to experience Breathwork for a whole day ?
Come and take part in our one-day Breathwork workshop!
This day will give you the opportunity to reconnect with your vital breath.

On the program:


- Diaphragmatic breathing exercise to recognise the way you breathe.
- Analysis of your breathing pattern.
- Experience the transformational power of the breath with 3 breathing sessions.
- Presentation of the 3 levels at which the Respire Plus method works and the benefits of practising it on a daily basis.
- Intention: the use of objectives for our breathing sessions.
- Sharing experiences and questions

Language: English and French

Places are limited. To register, please send an e-mail to with your first name, last name, date of birth and a telephone number.  
For more information on the one-day workshop, please click here :


We look forward to welcoming you to this day of transformation!



In collaboration with







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Workshop for kids



Children often face pressures in today’s competitive world. The weight of expectations, comparisons and the drive for achievements affects their breath, leading to stress and anxiety.
This program is designed to create a joyous and inclusive environment where kids can explore the power of breath, express themselves creatively, and share their experiences in a supportive circle.

On the program:

- Welcome Circle 

- Playful kundalini breathing exercises 

- Interactive session focusing on fun breathwork techniques

- Guided breathing session for kids encouraging mindful and conscious breathing 

- Drawing experience: expression through drawing feelings and experiences of breathwork session

- Lunch in a Circle: Sharing a meal and experiences in a joyful, inclusive setting and building connections 

- Sharing experiences from the workshop and closing circle with affirmations and positive vibes 

Places are limited.
To register your child, please send an e-mail to with your child's first name, last name, date of birth and your telephone number.

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Workshop for teenagers

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Teenagers are not immune to today’s society’s demands and stress-provoking experiences. More and more parents share stories of increased stress, worries, depression and anxiety-driven behaviours in their teens.

If your teen is also facing challenges like school stress, peer pressure, or navigating through emotional ups and downs, don’t miss my Breathwork workshop on November 24, 2024 from 1.30pm to 4.15 pm. tailored just for teens between 11 and 15 years ! 


On the program :

  • Welcome circle and introduction to various breathing exercises

  • Kundalini breathing and guided Breathwork session for relaxation and stress reduction (40 minutes)

  • Break

  • Kundalini breathing and guided Breathwork session encouraging connected conscious breathing (40 minutes)

  • Closing circle to share experiences from the whole workshop and closing with affirmations and positive vibes.


Places are limited, so secure your teenager's spot now!
Registration via email

Contact me for more information (free 15 minutes interview)

“There is one way of breathing that is shameful and constricted.
Then there is another way;
A breath of love that takes you all the way to infinity."


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